
About Us

The founder of this project lost his mother to Pancreatic Cancer diagnosed at a very late stage. A multi-disciplinary person and an experienced high-tech entrepreneur, he started to explore the field of Cancer Research from the Information Technology and Data points of view, seeking ways he could contribute.

One day, a former employee called him, asking for friendly consultation on a stuck project, trying to help the project's boss, who was diagnosed with Cancer at that time.

This is how it all began. The former employee happened to be a multi-disciplinary person too. He became a Product, HR, and a Co-Manager of the project as well. Next team members were a math PhD, then a Data Engineer (a math PhD too) joined. Things look simple at the start, but become more and more complex on the go. The founder was eager to see some results, while funding this initiative for a relatively long time.

This is an ongoing story.